
Buying Gemstones from a Nearby Gem Shop? Here's What You Should Know.

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When it comes to purchasing gemstones, many people opt for the convenience of buying from a nearby shop or even online. However, buying a gemstone isn't just about convenience; it's about ensuring that you're getting a quality product that meets your needs, especially if you're purchasing for astrological purposes. The importance of buying from a trusted gemstone shop cannot be overstated, and here's why.

The Importance of Trust in Gemstone Purchases

Not all gemstones are created equal, and unfortunately, not all gemstone sellers are transparent about what they are selling. Many gemstones on the market have undergone various treatments to enhance their appearance. While these treatments may improve the visual appeal of the stone, they often diminish its value and, more importantly, its effectiveness for astrological purposes.

For those who believe in the power of gemstones as prescribed in Vedic astrology, untreated, natural stones are essential. Treated gemstones, such as those that have been heat-treated, glass-filled, or chemically enhanced, generally do not carry the same astrological benefits. This makes it crucial to purchase from a seller who discloses all information about any treatments the gemstone may have undergone.

The Ethical Responsibility of Disclosure

As a consumer, you have the right to complete transparency when purchasing a gemstone. Ethical gemstone merchants will provide full disclosure of any treatments or enhancements that the gemstone has undergone. Unfortunately, many shops, especially those with little experience or those looking to make a quick profit, may not be upfront about these details.

This lack of disclosure can lead to significant issues, particularly if you're purchasing the gemstone for its astrological properties. A treated gemstone may not only fail to bring the desired benefits but could also lead to disappointment or financial loss.

The Problem with Small Gem Testing Laboratories

Another area of concern is the role of small gem testing laboratories, often referred to as trader's labs. These labs might issue reports that do not fully disclose the treatments or enhancements a gemstone has undergone, leaving customers confused and misled. For instance, a gemstone report might fail to mention that a ruby has been glass-filled, a common enhancement that significantly impacts the stone's value and properties.

Trade Terms and Misleading Practices

The gemstone market is full of trade terms that can further confuse buyers. A common example is the sale of a glass-filled, low-quality ruby under the name "Bangkok Ruby." While the name might sound exotic and appealing, it disguises the true nature of the gemstone, misleading consumers about its quality and value.

These trade terms can make it difficult for even knowledgeable buyers to understand what they are truly purchasing. This is why it's essential to buy from a trusted, experienced gemstone merchant who can provide clear, honest information about the gemstone's origin, treatments, and quality.

The Risks of Buying from Inexperienced Jewellers

Many jewellers, though ethical in their business practices, may not have the expertise in gemstones necessary to make informed purchases. They may unknowingly buy treated or low-quality gemstones from unethical dealers and sell them to customers. Even with the best intentions, an inexperienced jeweller can inadvertently pass on a stone that does not meet the customer's needs, particularly for astrological purposes.

Conclusion: Trust and Expertise are Key

Given all these factors, it is clear that the best approach is to buy gemstones from a trusted, experienced gemstone merchant. Such merchants not only have the knowledge to identify and disclose any treatments or enhancements but also have a reputation for ethical business practices.

When it comes to something as important as a gemstone—whether for its beauty, value, or astrological significance—you deserve complete transparency and assurance. Always choose a reputable gemstone seller who prioritizes honesty and quality over convenience.

At Nine Gems Bengaluru (Bangalore) we emphasise on Quality Gemstones with complete enhancement disclosure and customer education. Visit our store now!

